About of the camera – and the joy of seeing yourself with new eyes
Are you one of the many who feel insecure as soon as a camera zooms in on you? Most people feel that way, welcome to the club. A portrait can be a technically perfect masterpiece but if the personal chemistry between the subject and the photographer is not good, it will never be a good picture. Fifty percent of the quality of a picture is a psychological matter.
People have always been my favourite subject. To be a good photographer of people, a high degree of empathy and real interest in the person who is entrusting him/herself to the photographer is called for. If the two are on the same wavelength, a whole new perspective opens up – both for the person siting in front of the camera and for me as the photographer.
I am curious to know about the subject in front of me. I want to know what he thinks, what interests him and what moves him. I draw my inspiration and my intuition from this personal experience. That is the only way to create authentic, true portraits that bring out the personality lurking below the surface.
Looking good – whatever that means – is totally irrelevant. Beauty comes from within. Often something classically considered a blemish gives the special winning touch to a photo. I like to encourage everyone to trust in himself, to be open, to have confidence in the photographer. The result is a real eye-opener for most people whose portraits I take: the highly satisfying and lasting experience of seeing yourself through other eyes.